Selasa, 22 Juni 2010


i hated you. why did you do this to me?i know i've made the same mistakes to you but i've never hurt you this bad. you don't know how i feel do you?

if you wanted to be with that girl so why you gives me all those hopes?i think you love me too so i promise i'll never played with ur heart again. i'm trying to be kind to you, all those text?i thought you love me too i thought you like me like in the past, but then i know you don't

then when the sun was shining so bright i got a text from you asking where am i, i replied it but you didn't replied it again.

in the evening i tell my friend 'how sucks is this he text me first but then he didn't replied it again' then she said 'she has a girlf now' and the tears started out of my eyes she said ' don't cry he's nothing, you can get someone better than him' i know he's sucks and i ask to my self why should i cry? it's all because of the mad that i can't take trunin into tears

'why did you do this to me why you gives me all those hopes stupid me to think that you loved me' those words started to running in my mind.

then when i call my closest friend pace he said 'where are you? why did you cry? didn't you shy?don't cry again if i were you i'll cry for 30 minutes but then i'll smile again why is he?' then i tell him the story ummmm actually i don't know why i cry ce, this tears rundown all by themself after i call him the tears won't come out maybe they are all shy to you ce :P thanks :) the mad and the sad turned into a grudge. but i know it's all not your fault so why should i feel resentment? sorry if i've been a selfish and childish girl but this is me, so can i ask you? will you still be my best friend? will you stay close to me? will you still giving me those attention? i know i won't be the first one wanting you to give me those all attention but will you?will you? wondering if you will :( thanks

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