Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009


Can you name 30 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 30 people. No cheating!

1. amyra wahyuningtyas
2. lidya maulida
3. ninditya
4. sabrina noor
5. citra bonnita
6. fadilla
7. tiara disya
8. shahnaz bisyir
9. kyra chiara
10. ayya latuconsina
11. vara pieter
12. egi gemilang
13. nisa maulidyta
14. aqila devi
15. refalya
16. dinda mariske
17. chita ginni
18. dara dwitanti
19. farah nabila
20. adda shari
21. ayu puspitaningrum
22. diaz respati
23. naufal
24. aby naratama
25. nanda prita
26. natasha
27. mutia nur
28. ********
29. marsha
30. shinta sriwijaya
*yang salah atau gaada namalengkapnya maaf yuukkk*
• How did you meet 10?
pas sd dulu sih gue rada sebel sama dia tapi semenjak kelas 6 smt2 temen dong yega yya?

• What would you do if you had never met 6?
hmmmmmm ngapain ya?masa nyariin?kenal aje kaga

• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
busettt adda sama falya ga lesbi kok ngga

• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be?
hmmm nyari laen aja yeee masih normal nekk

• Did you ever like 9?
hmm hmmm pernah ngga yaa kayanya ngga deh

• Have you ever seen 4 cry?
kayanya sih ngga tapi lupadeh

• Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?
WOAKAKAKAK sabrina egi mungkin mungkin

• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?
busettt terserah saja kepada mereka

• Describe 8:

• Do you like 12?
as friend

• Tell me something about 17:
temen yang kini menghilang bagaikan ditelan bumi fufufu -_-

• What's 7's favorite color?
kuning?biru?merah?itumah gue gatau ah yar

• What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you?
edehh myrrmyr dio dikemanain?

• When was the last time you talked to number 15?
hmmmm kapan ya chat apa ngobrol samasama udah lama

• How do you think 19 feels about you?
ape far?ngiri lu sama kecantikan gue?yegayega?woakakak kagadah samasama chuantiq qoq qiqiqiqi

• What languages does 13 speak?
bahasa mars(ngelawak)

• Who is 2 going out with?:

• What grade is 16 in?
sepen sama kaya eke

• What is 5's favorite music?
hmmm kaga tau kalo artisnye kayanya lady gaga yega?

• Would you ever date 3?
buset kencanye di kamar mandi ye dit woakakak

• Is 11 single?
single kokkk tapi udah punya gebetan

• What is 10s last name?

• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7?
apaan sinting yaaaa orang dia cewe

• Where does 18 live?
ashuahjkahsd di jalan bangunan barat deket rumah lohh

• What do you think about 20?
baik, ciyyyuuuttteee, sama baik dongss

• What is the best thing about 4?

• Is 21 hard-working?
huhuhu gatau dehh

• What would you like to tell 14 right now?
dev kangen tau

• How did you meet 9?
sebenernya sih dari tk udah kenal tapi baru deket kelas 6 smt 2

• What is the best and worst thing about 2?
bestnyaa hmmm gatau worstnya hmmmmm adadehh

• Are you going to know 3 forever?

• How long have you known 26?
hmm 1 tahunan gt dehh

• Who is 24?
my other best friend

• Are you or did you ever date 28?
ahhhh kagaa kalo have a crush on iyaaaa afhuadbhsd

• Would you kiss 25?
ahahahahah ngga ah masih mau cowo kok

• Have you hugged/kissed 22?
HAH?busett masih suci kok kita ye ga yaz?

• Is 29 your bff?
iya donggsss

• What do you hate about 23?
hmmm pendek nyaaaaa kalo sifat kayanya ngga ada deh

• What's your relationship with 30?
temen deket dongg yaga bank berjalanku canbetsssssssss

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